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Day 12

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 12

What’s In A Name

As you travel through Genesis you go through many interesting places and run into many interesting people. Several of those places and even people have names I find hard to pronounce. I guess I shouldn’t find that unusual, I’ve traveled quite a bit and I’ve found many cities hard to pronounce. In fact, some people not from around here would find some of our cities hard to pronounce (look at Mineola). Somehow, it just seems a little different in the Bible. Maybe it’s the fact that there are several incidents where God himself changes people’s names. It could be confusing.

Have you ever had a friend or acquaintance, maybe someone you have known in school, you meet up with them again and they no longer go by the name you have always known them by? A lot of times those old friends just let you keep calling them by their old name; but they clearly have a new name. In fact, the old name just doesn’t seem to fit them anymore. I have a friend who recently adopted several children. These children have suffered both physical and emotional abuse. When she adopts them she not only gives them her last name but each child received a new first name. She wants them to know their old abusive life is over, it’s a new day, they have a new life.

I saw this very example while I was reading today in Genesis 35 with Benjamin’s birth. Poor Rachel, having a terrible time in childbirth names her newborn Ben-Oni which means son of my trouble. That was an appropriate name, after all, with this birth Rachel dies! But I love Jacobs wisdom, he quickly overrides his wife’s choice of names and names his newborn Benjamin which means son of my right hand.
Here’s my thought, how many of us need a new name? No, not literally but figuratively. Maybe there were words that have been spoken about you since you were a child that need to go out of your life. Words like, their such a clutz, not the brightest bulb on the tree, if they had a brain they’d be dangerous, their afraid of their own shadow, or they wouldn’t know how to come out of the rain. These words are not really meant to define us, but unfortunately sometimes they do. I’m sure Rachel really didn’t want people to think every time they saw her son – yep that’s the boy who caused all his mothers trouble now she’s dead. What a name! As bad as we wish it weren’t so, words and names carry weight. Here’s the good news we don’t have to let those name define us, God has given us some new names like, redeemed, chosen, forgiven, friend, masterpiece, treasure the list goes on and on.
So, today, regardless of what your parents might have named you or nick-named you; let’s remember what God’s named us, His name is the one that counts!

Let’s pray, Lord we thank you for the new names you have given us. The next time we “hear” anything contrary to what you say about us, let us quickly recognize it for what it is and replace it with what you have said. Also let us be mindful of the names we give others, even in jest. Help us to only be life givers in thought, words and deeds. In Jesus Name! Amen

Day 11

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 11


We have officially hit the half-way point in out 21 day journey. That feels so good! I want to encourage anyone out there who maybe joined late, that’s ok, go ahead and start. One thing I’ve learned in my walk with The Lord, He’s always there to meet us right where we are 😇.

I told myself (and my husband lol) that if I didn’t have any thoughts, ok don’t laugh, I would just post a psalm or something from Gods word. After all, His Thoughts are far greater than our own! Then, I had a thought, let’s look at what God has to say about Thoughts, so here we go. I’m sure you’ll think of a few more.

Psalm 94:11 The Lord knows the thoughts of man; He knows that they are futile. The amplified says they are only a breath.

Here’s a good position to have – Psalm 139:23-24 NIV “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Here’s some God Thoughts toward us – Jeremiah 29:11 AMP “For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “Thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.”

Unfortunately more times than not our thoughts really aren’t worth having. Let’s be honest, a lot of the time they are filled with worry, fear, self-doubt, what ifs and a whole host of other nonsense. I think that’s why it is so important to renew our mind with Gods word after all, there is where we really know the heart and thoughts of God.

Let’s pray, thank you Lord that through your word we can get to know your thoughts toward us and that day by day you can help us think more like you. Help us to see the world through your eyes and help us to renew our mind by your word. Your word says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he, we want to think what you think and nothing less. In Jesus Name. Amen


Day 10

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 10

Shake The Dust Off

Hope everyone’s warm and cozy❄️ so thankful for our comforts; we have sooo many! Fasting may cause our bodies a little momentary discomfort, but when I think about the people around our globe who daily don’t have adequate shelter or food I’m humbled and empowered to dig in deeper and draw closer to God. I hope you do too.

Today, I was reading in Matthew 10 where Jesus sends out the twelve and gives them some instructions. Along about verse 11 he tells them, hey look, when you get into town you’re going to need a place to stay, so look for a worthy persons house and stay there; when you enter the house give it your blessing. Easy right, but here’s where I think it gets sticky; IF they were worthy the blessing stayed BUT if not, guess what, Take It Back! Wait, that’s not the worse part, look what it says in vs 14-15 “If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave. I tell you the truth, the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah will be better off than such a town on the judgment day.”

Here’s my thought, can you imagine being a city worse off then Sodom & Gomorrah! My goodness they were reduced to rubble! These are cities that are nonexistent today. But, Obviously on judgment day there are going to be a few very unhappy campers. What struck me is it’s not just towns that refused to listen but “households” as well. Jesus meant business. Jesus didn’t tell his disciples to look for perfect people but those with an open-heart and open doors. Jesus was looking for those who had ears to hear and a receptivity to the message. I think this rings true today. Jesus isn’t looking for perfect people, He’s looking for welcoming people those who would say, “here I am Lord use me” and He Will.

Let’s pray, more than anything Lord we want to arrive in heaven to hear those sweet words “well-done thou good and faithful servant, enter into the rest”. Lord make us so aware of what you want to do in and through our lives. Help us to shake off the dust, so you don’t have to. We want to receive all you have for us, open our hearts to receive it. Amen


Day 9

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 9

The 3 Fs – Part 3

Alright, my reader friends, here it is the last F on our list, any guesses? Failure. Yes, that’s right Favoritism + Fear = Failure. Boy did we see how that worked out in the life of Esau! Actually, I think we could probably agree that everyone lost in this story. Let’s go back to Genesis and take a look.

After the deception occurs we see a pitiful sight, Esau crying and begging his father for some kind of blessing. Surely he had something left! Sadly he did not. We see Issac mad, the amplified Bible said he trembled violently. Rebekah is now afraid for Jacobs life, and he is forced to leave home. Such a happy facebook moment.

Here are my thoughts,  why did Issac pour the whole blessing out and not leave anything for the younger son? Was he still irritated at Jacob for swindling Esau out of the birthright? (After all, if Jacob had been a sweet brother he would have given his brother some food, no strings attached.) Or did Issac just love Esau that much more? What about Rebekah’s word from God, did she not share it with Issac? Or did he choose to ignore it? So many questions. Here’s what we do know; right after Esau’s heart-wrenching cry, Issac prophesies and reiterates what God had in mind. We also find Esau in Hebrews 12:16 but not in a good light. I like the way the New Living Translation words it, “Make sure that no one is immoral or godless like Esau, who traded his birthright as the firstborn son for a single meal.” Yep somewhere on the path, Esau fails. Unfortunately, I don’t think Esau recognized the value of his birthright. That makes me wonder, as Gods kids how much do we value our birthright right? The Bible says we are joint heirs with Jesus, that means what belongs to Jesus belongs to us! Wow, now that’s something to stop and think about for awhile!

Let’s pray, Lord thank you that we are no longer slaves, but Your children and you have also made us your heir. It’s hard to think about what all that means. Everything you own belongs to us! Help us daily to walk as the heirs we are and continue to form us into the best kids we can be. In Jesus Name
Ps Later in the story our brothers do reconcile and that is always a very good thing💗!

Day 8

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 8

The 3 Fs Continues

Everyone say Yeah, it’s Sunday and that means 1 week down 2 weeks to go. I want to encourage everyone that has joined us on this 21 day journey to remember, if you feel a little lethargic in your prayer life; (I know sometimes I do) don’t be discouraged the fast is a prayer itself. Keep on keeping on!

Picking up from yesterday, we return to the story of Issac & Rebekah and their boys Esau & Jacob. (Genesis 24-27) I really wanted to call them the —- family but it dawned on me they didn’t have last names! No, no we can’t go off on that bunny trail! But I am going to hop around so please forgive me. Lol Let’s go back to when Rebekah is expecting. Those babies must have been doing all kinds of gymnastics because it causes Rebekah to say Lord, what on earth is going on! Back then you couldn’t just run down to the local imagining sonogram clinic, imagine that, you had to ask God. Here’s the cool part, He tells her, and God lets her know who is going to be “the boss”. Hop on over a few chapters and we come to the last days of Issac. Here he is, poor guy, he just wants his favorite son to make him his favorite dish, he’s going to eat it and pronounce a blessing. Out goes older brother in comes momma Rebekah with a whole lot of deception going on.

Why all the need for the deception? First, God already told her that the younger son would rule over the older one. Second, Issac had already gotten the birthright from Esau earlier, you know Esau was so hungry he thought he would die 🤣. Here’s my thought, and it brings us to the second F – fear… somewhere along the way she thought she had to help God out. The first time we are introduced to Rebekah, without hesitation she sets off with this servant guy and leaves everything she’s known, to go to some foreign land and make a life with a man she’s never laid eyes on! You’ve got to love that! But, somewhere along the road of life she gave way to her fear that God wasn’t going to work it out. She took matters into her own hands. When we walk in fear and not faith we can make some really bad decisions. (Just look what it cost Esau, he sold his birthright) I wonder what would have happened if she had just stood back and watched God fulfill what he had already spoken? Life in Issac home would have been a lot more peaceful! As we continue on this fast, let’s take sometime and think 🤔 ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything you might have let go because of fear and then let’s believe that He will give us the Faith to walk out plans that He has for our lives.

Let’s pray, Lord thank you for these examples that we read about in Your word. Sometimes they seem extreme, but if we go to the root, we all deal with the same issues. Root up any fear in our lives and replace it with the faith that nothing is impossible for you! Amen

Day 7

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 7

The 3 Fs

Wow depending on when you are reading this, we are on the edge of 1 week down only 2 more to go or you could say, a third way through, or two thirds to go…. Oh my how I ramble. Great job, this 21 day journey is moving fast and furious.

Today, my thoughts turn to Issac and Rebekah. Their whole story is pretty interesting. Rebekah is quick to follow a complete stranger to marry a man she has never met. (Talk about married at first sight) Fortunately, Issac sees Rebekah and is instantly in love. Fast forward, childless, Isaac prays (looks like he learned a lesson from his dad Abraham. Don’t sleep with your wife’s servant, even if she says you can!) hip hip hurrah twins are born; oh, but here’s where it gets interesting and our first F – favoritism. Each parent likes one of the children just a little bit more.

Now I’m an only child, and one of the blessings of being an only child is, no competition. In fact, through the years I’ve had dozens of people ask me how I like being an only child? I’ve always had the same answer, “Great, I’ve never known anything different”. I will tell you though, my parents made a concerted effort when I was young, not to spoil me rotten. My parents once again, showed a lot of wisdom and went out of there way not to show favoritism to my three children and I’ve tried to follow this example.

Favoritism is a lose, lose situation for everyone involved. For Jacob and Esau we see it play out in dramatic fashion. The Bible is clear that favoritism is not for our lives. It’s not in Gods Character. I’m reminded of several scriptures that show us God doesn’t play favorites. (Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9 to name a few)
If we think about it, isn’t that great news for us! God loves us ALL! Everyone of us are so special to Him. He loves us on our good days, He loves us on our very bad days, and all those days in between, unconditionally. In fact, He’s never going to love us any more than He loves us right now. That thought only, only makes me want to love Him more and more! I bet you do too💗.

Let’s pray, Lord, instantly that song comes to my mind that says, “Oh how He loves you and me, Oh how He loves you and me, He gave his life what more could He give, oh how He loves you, oh how He loves me, oh how He loves you and me”. Help us grasp, how truly deep and wide and high your love is for us! In Jesus name amen
Ps I didn’t forget about the other two Fs, sorry you’re going to have to wait until tomorrow 🙃

Day 6

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 6


Wow, days do seem to be flying – is that just me? If your on this journey with me, I’d like to say thanks. This is something new for me (the devotional) and I really appreciate all the encouragement I’ve received. 😇

Doing a Daniel fast, like so many are; (side note, went to Walmart to buy some broth and the shelves where bare…crazy) I can’t help thinking about Daniel and all he went through in his life – he’s got to be one of my all time heroes. What an example of a godly life! Here he is going about his business and the only dirt his enemy’s have to trap him is his devotion to God and his prayer life! Talk about not being ashamed of the gospel. As the story goes in Daniel 6 those drinking the hateraid go to the king and set up a trap to get rid of Daniel. The king buys the flattery hook line and sinker, and then we see later in verse 14 that he regrets his decree and try’s to get Daniel out of the mess he created.

Here’s my thought, how many times have we made hasty decisions only to spend countless hours trying to figure out how to get out of them. Now, I don’t think this king was a stupid guy, you would think he could have seen through these flatterers. I think he was just caught in the moment, high on the mountain top, top of his game, sure sounds good, why not… only to realize later his pride could cost his friend. That my friends is the rub in all of our lives. It’s the “i” in pride that gets us every time.

Now the story has a great ending, Daniel is not eaten by the lions, the king has a revelation about who should be worshiped, and the bad guys get eaten by lions. Oh by the way, the king ends up on a fast too (Vs 18), I bet Daniel wish he had fasted and prayed before the decree! Fasting is a sure way to rid yourself of pride that leads to bad decisions.

Let’s pray, Lord, we confess that we daily have to deal with pride and sometimes the bad decisions that come along with it. Help us daily to seek you more and more, keep us from those sins that so easily besets us. I’m so thankful that even in our haste you are there always ready to help us when we call. Thank you Jesus! Amen

Day 5

Tracy’s Thoughts – Day 5

Run For It

Wow, it’s already day 5 almost a full week down. By now I bet you’ve hit a rhythm and the fasting part is getting a little easier – if not hang in there. 😇
I hope today you have your sneakers on because I just can’t get away from the story about Lot. You know there’s a lot about Lot I really don’t want to think about! I mean really, he’s offering up his sweet girls to ALL the men of the city, to keep them from molesting his Angelic messenger guys? Then, he hesitates on leaving this horrible city!

In verse 17 of Genesis 19 the angels order them to run and escape to the mountains, but Lot begged them to let them run to a closer little city. Here’s my thought, I wonder if Lot had obeyed the instructions of the angels and kept on running, maybe his wife would have been far enough away from Sodom and too tired to be tempted to look back? Later we read in verse 30 that he ended up in a cave in the mountains anyway. How much better would his life had been, if he had just headed there in the first place?

I think we must be honest with ourselves and face the fact that sometimes our disobedience causes the ones we love to suffer needlessly. Maybe not as dramatically as turning to a pillar of salt, but affected negatively just the same. I’d like to think that what I do only effects me, myself, and I but that’s just not how this life works. Everything I touch leaves some DNA and I can leave my mark in a good or a bad way. That goes for everyone of us; our choices and decisions we make everyday change lives, good or bad. So why don’t we choose today to spread some light and make it a better world.

Let’s pray: Jesus, today with the help of the Holy Spirit I ask you to help me be someone you can use to make this world a little better. Help me to give hope to those who are discouraged, help me to use the gifts and talents you’ve given me for your glory and not my own. Let it become real to me that there are people in darkness that need some light, don’t let me stop short of where you want me to go and what lives you want me to touch. In Jesus Name Amen


Day 4

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 4

Oh Baby

We are on day 4 of our 21 day journey (hip hip hurray) you are doing awesome!
So many times as I read through the Bible, usually in my comfy climate controlled environment, I think about the hardships of those I’m reading about. Now I’m not talking about the extremes, like Mary riding a donkey about to give birth, or John the Baptist in the wilderness wearing camels hair eating locusts, or Paul… I don’t even want to list everything he went through! I’m thinking today, more about Abraham and Sarah, Lot and his wife. (hmmmmm do we know her name, perhaps Saline – ok bad joke) It’s the heat of the day, Abraham is sitting around when here comes these wonderful messengers from God to tell them about the son they will have this time next year. They’re done with their visit and are about to leave when The Lord sees fit to tell Abraham of his plan to take out Sodom & Gomorrah where nephew Lot lives. (Genesis 18)

Here’s my thought: why did those messengers have to spoil the moment? Have you ever had that happen? You just received some fantastic news when boom – bad news comes banging at the door. Poor Abraham, finally a timeline on when he and Sarah are going to have that long anticipated baby and now what, Lot and his family destroyed? Talk about a downer.

I think if we look carefully we can see why The Lord wanted to share the information, it’s found in verse 19 it says, “l have singled him (Abraham) out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just then I will do for Abraham all that I have promised.” The Bible says in verses 18 that all the world would be blessed through Abraham. I think it was one of those teaching moments that any good father gives to their children. A cause and effect moment; bad people doing bad things equal bad results or maybe good people around bad people equal better get away while you can or bad will happen to you.

Our world may not be quite as bad as Sodom, but I’m reminded what it says in 1 Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be misled bad company corrupts good character.” I want to live a life that makes people thirsty for what I have, I don’t want to be so entrenched by this world that I find myself like salt which has lost its flavor.

Let’s pray, Lord today I thank you that you have given us your Word. It really is a lamp to our feet and helps illuminate our path. Thank you for people in the Bible that we can look to as examples both those who walked the straight and narrow and those who even looked back and turned into salt. Help us to shine our light in the darkness and when we get too close to wandering from your path give us that wake up call. Our heart is to be more and more like you Jesus. Amen
Ps The good news is, at least Abraham could sleep well knowing he’d done all he could do. Not sure I’m bold enough to barter with God. 😉

Day 3

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 3

Less of Me, More of Him -/+

Has this ever happened to you; you have a thought (no, not the one about the pizza – we’re on a fast, remember) and you can’t get it out of your mind? You know it’s from The Lord but your not sure why He’s speaking it to you. Then, all of a sudden you have it confirmed and your so excited. Now here’s the thought – why are we excited after the confirmation and not before?

This recently happened to me. Over and over in my quiet time I kept hearing the phrase “less of me, more of Him”. In fact, I even looked up the old song we used to sing with that phrase in it thinking maybe The Lord wanted us to sing it at church. Every day, it became my prayer, Lord help me to have more of you and less of me. Then right before the fast I visit Jentezen Franklins web page and there it is, graphics and all! LESS OF ME, MORE OF HIM! -/+

John 10:27 says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me”. It’s my prayer today that I become so in-tuned to His voice, that when it’s confirmed, I simply keep following and listening, knowing sometimes He’s speaking in a still small voice.

Let’s pray: Dear Lord, today I pray less of me and more of You. I thank you for your confirmations because they do encourage us to know we truly are hearing your voice. But help us grow in our walk with You that when we don’t have a “confirmation” that we can walk confidently knowing that we, your sheep do hear your voice. Yes Lord, more of You, and less of me.

Day 2

 Tracy’s Thoughts  Day 2

Finding Favor

So far we’ve made it to day two of our 21 days of prayer and fasting. Hopefully your flesh isn’t screaming, but if it is, tell it to hush we’ve started on an important journey and we are going to finish with The Lords help.

I’ve started reading through the Bible (as I’m sure many of you have) and in Genesis 5:29 we read that Lamech had a son and he named him Noah, for he said, “May he bring us relief from our work and the painful labor of farming this ground that the Lord has cursed.” Verse 30 says after The birth of Noah, Lamech lived another 595 years and he had other sons and daughters.

Here’s my thought: where the heck are all of Noah’s brothers and sisters when the ark is being built? Until this year I never even thought about Noah having any other siblings, maybe it’s because I was an only child, maybe it’s because I’ve always drifted off when I’ve been reading these endless accounts of the Adam’s descendants. This year verse 30 stopped me in my tracks.

What made the difference in Noah’s life? Why was Noah a righteous man and his siblings not? We can only assume that Noah’s parents raised all of their children the same; but Noah was the only blameless person living on the earth. I think we see the answer in the rest of that verse – and he walked in close fellowship with God. That’s the difference CLOSE fellowship with God. Here’s the good news, God wants close fellowship with all of us. All we have to do is draw near to Him and He will draw near to us. (James 4:8)

I feel sorry for Noah’s siblings, they were left out in the rain. 🙁 But I’m following great grand pappy Noah’s example and I’m looking for the rainbows!

Let’s Pray: Lord today we want you to take us by the hand and lead and direct our lives. May we always walk in close fellowship with you. Don’t let the things of this life distract us, but help us keep our focus on you! Amen

Day 1

Tracy’s Thoughts Day 1

Give What You Have

Just a little background… It all started New Year’s Day, my sweet husband told me he thought everything was good to go on our website for our annual 21 days of fasting but (pause) it sure would be nice to have some kind of fasting devotional; maybe we could add a link? My answer to that was why don’t you write one? His answer, “oh no, not me” and he left it at that. I just couldn’t get the thought out of my mind and thus, Tracy’s Thoughts was born. So we begin this 21 day journey, I hope it will be a blessing to you.

I’ve always been amazed at Jesus’s miracle of feeding the 5000. (Matthew 14:15-21) Here they were in the desert, listening to The Master teach and its getting late. The disciples I guess, realized if they didn’t dismiss the crowd pretty soon they were about to have some hangrey people on their hands. But what does Jesus say? “You give them something to eat.” Of course, all they have is a little boys lunch of loaves and bread. Let’s stop right there… let’s think about that. Are you telling me out of all those people only one boy had the common sense to pack a lunch? I doubt it, but I think we can take away from the story that this boy was willing to share. He gave them what he had and then it was multiplied!

The blessing comes when we give Jesus what we have. He takes it, blesses it, and multiplies it. Look what happened, not only were people fed but they got to take home leftovers! This year let’s be like the little boy, let’s give Jesus what we have. It might seem small in our eyes but in The Masters hands it can become much!

Let’s pray: Jesus today, as we begin this 21 day fast, help us to give you what we have. Don’t let us hold anything back. Don’t let pride and insecurity keep us from being used by you. Above all let us listen and trust you and then obey what you say. We look forward with anticipation at all you want to do in our lives.  Amen
Ps Next time I’ll try to pick out stories without food. Lol 🙂