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Return To Me: Part 3

Sunday, January 22, 2017

This is the last message in a 3 part series entitled, Return To Me.  Have you ever hit a curb and find yourself traveling down the road with a “wobble”?  Guess what, you’ve just thrown your car out of alignment!  Life can be that way; your traveling down the road of life and wham you hit one of life’s curves. The good news is we have a great mechanic and He wants to help us get back on the road running smoothly. Read more

Return To Me: Part 2

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Have you ever hit a curb and find yourself traveling down the road with a “wobble”?  Guess what, you’ve just thrown your car out of alignment!  Life can be that way; your traveling down the road of life and wham you hit one of life’s curves. The good news is we have a great mechanic and He wants to help us get back on the road running smoothly. Enjoy this message as Pastor David seven alignments that will keep us running smoothly. Read more

Return To Me

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Have you ever hit a curb and find yourself traveling down the road with a “wobble”?  Guess what, you’ve just thrown your car out of alignment!  Life can be that way; your traveling down the road of life and wham you hit one of life’s curves. The good news is we have a great mechanic and He wants to help us get back on the road running smoothly. Enjoy this message as Pastor David seven alignments that will keep us running smoothly. Read more